Sunday, September 30, 2007

Just too busy

I haven't posted for over a week. It isn't for lack of ideas. I have several half-written posts in my mind, but I've been a little overwhelmed the last couple of weeks.

So I didn't post about the St. Michael Conference or Pastor Stuckwisch's encounter with a bottle of Dr. Pepper as was requested by at least one friend. (By the way, Andrew is very sorry!)

I didn't post about planting our trees, although I may get to that yet.

I didn't post about planning my class reunion, lost library books, teaching a class of 6-17 year olds, or myriad other topics that have spun through my head.

Maybe I'll get to some of them. But first I need to clean my office. And play Scrabulous.


Misty said...

i walk around with half written mental posts in my mind, all of the time...

Anonymous said...

Yeah, hurry up and get back to all your Scrabbulous games!

Rev. Rick Stuckwisch said...

Thanks for not mentioning my run in with Dr. Pepper ;-) But tell Andrew, no worries. No harm done.

It was nice to see you and most of your family at the conference, which was a great day all around.