Sunday, August 10, 2008

Not the usual Bunco night

We had a bit of an unusual Bunco night tonight. We had a small crowd because of vacations and things were pretty laid back. We played Bunco for about 1/2 hour and then we decided to stop pretending and just watch the Olympics. Our conversation was wide-ranging, although we did spend quite a bit of time talking about the age of the Chinese gymnasts.

We are enjoying the Olympics, especially when we can watch at home with our DVR and fast-forward through the annoying Bob Costas commentaries and the multitude of commercials.


Genuine Lustre said...

Yeah! what about the age of those tiny girls?! Some of them look like they still have toddler chub.

Genuine Lustre said...

On the flipside, I think the American girls look a little hard ( especially the syncronized divers) -- too much tanning and eyeliner.

And would someone please explain why the male beach v-ball players wear baggy shorts and shirt, while the girls wear barely anything? I'm ok with the bra top, but put some shorts on please.

I'm thinking of petitioning the olympic committee that the men must wear speedos.

Anonymous said...

Now Polly, they ARE wearing Speedos. Didn't you notice? They're just made from yards of fabric now, not inches. ;-)