We went out to the 4H fair tonight and walked around. It was a beautiful warm breezy evening. The dust was at a minimum because we've had some rain the past few days. We visited the livestock barns--always my favorite part of the fair--and the other exhibits. I thought about how cool it is that my friend took her turnips to her county fair.
We ate pork sandwiches and elephant ears and drank a lemon shake-up. We looked at antique tractors.
Tomorrow morning I am making my blueberry preserves and some refrigerator pickles. (I read that last line and had the thought that my blog has given me frequently lately. "Who is this person, and what has she done with Jane?")
I just need to remind myself that next week I get to do some shopping and the week after that I get to have a manicure and pedicure and go to my convention. (That's a relief. I'm still here somewhere under the sewing and gardening and cooking!)
Think of it as being "multi-faceted". :)
Manicure, pedicure, convention
making pickles and preserves.
So how come we're friends? Doesn't seem like we should be (but I'm sure glad we are).
Yeah, me too!
My siter-in-law thinks that I've changes and that I'm a lot more the preserves than the pedicures.
I think she's probably right and it's probably partly your fault. :)
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