Saturday, June 17, 2006

The happy hiker

My hubby has the hiking bug. A couple of months ago he went on a four day hiking/camping trip to the UP with our oldest son and a friend from church. Now he's dying to do it again. So much so that my very frugal honey used all of his birthday money plus some for a new backpack, tent, and other paraphernalia. Here he is with his new toys.

By the way, I can tell you one person who won't be sleeping in the tent. Hampton Inn is about as rough as I go!


Des_Moines_Girl said...

I think no matter how old we get there's still a little kid inside of us who wants to play. If we're lucky! ;-)

I'm with you on the Hampton Inn. Short of that a well provisioned RV is okay too.

Marie N. said...

I'm with you on the camping thing. Cooking out is fine, sleeping out is not.

Last Christmas we got a tent. My husband and daughter "camped" in the back yard. This summer our son will join them because he is old enough (4) to realize he's missing out on something.

Genuine Lustre said...

I love tent camping and the UP. Have fun Colin!