Friday, June 02, 2006

By grace! On this I'll rest...

Until about 15 minutes ago I had completely forgotten that my father died two years ago today. Two years ago several months of my life had been consumed in helping my father through his last painful months. Last year we were still getting mail from hospice and we were tying up the estate. This year life seems the same as it has been since I was 17; my dad is not around. So I forgot.

It makes me feel like a pretty cruddy daughter, even though I know I wasn't.

So for today, the hymn I chose for his funeral:

By grace I’m saved, grace free and boundless;
My soul, believe and doubt it not.
Why stagger at this word of promise?
Has Scripture ever falsehood taught?
No; then this word must true remain;
By grace you too will life obtain.

By grace God’s Son, our only Savior,
Came down to earth to bear our sin.
Was it because of your own merit
That Jesus died your soul to win?
No, it was grace, and grace alone,
That brought him from his heavenly throne.

By grace! This ground of faith is certain;
As long as God is true, it stands.
What saints have penned by inspiration,
What in his word our God commands,
Our faith in what our God has done
Depends on grace - grace through his Son.

By grace to timid hearts that tremble,
In tribulation’s furnace tried,
By grace, in spite of fear and trouble,
The Father’s heart is open wide.
Where could I help and strength secure
If grace were not my anchor sure?

By grace! On this I’ll rest when dying;
In Jesus’ promise I rejoice;
For though I know my heart’s condition,
I also know my Savior’s voice.
My heart is glad, all grief has flown
Since I am saved by grace alone.

Hymn # 351 from Lutheran Worship
Author: Korneluis Heinrich Dretzel
Tune: O Dass Ich Tausend Zungen Hatte
1st Published in: 1742


Marie N. said...

Good hymns make good reading with my morning coffee.

In TLH this is no. 373. It has a couple of more good verses; but on reading I can see why they were removed for a funeral hymn.

Jane said...

There's nothing like a good hymn.

We used the LW version just because that was what they had at my dad's church. I'll have to check out the TLH version.