Then we went to JK's.
This is one of my favorite relaxing places to go. They have a great beer selection and good pub food. I like to sit by the window and watch people downtown.
Happy thing #1, my husband of over 27 years, who I do not get to see nearly enough of.
Happy thing #2: Dragon's Milk. This is one of my favorite beers, but because it is expensive it is a very occasional treat. Tonight's date was one of those occasions.
Happy thing #3: Patchy. Who also does not see enough of his father. I really enjoy watching these two together. (By the way, this wasn't posed. I love it.)
Happy thing #4: My dinner. A Lamb Pasty. I get cravings for this thing.
So lots of happy things all in one happy evening.
I miss all of those things VERY much.
Those things miss you, too, Bepper. Probably almost as much as I do. :)
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