There were lots of pictures that I could have used today, but I decided to choose these two for two entirely different reasons. The first is my youngest son at his confirmation. This process was a time of great personal growth for him as he took responsibility for the learning that he needed to do as well as growth in knowledge and understanding of what he believes and why. He started to grow up.
The second picture is of one of the old buildings that my daughter and I love and the plants that are taking it over.

Great photos. :) The confirmation photo is very appropriate for the theme, and the photo of the old building is not only perfect for the theme, but gorgeous too!
Thanks for stopping by and have a good weekend. :)
Aww, what a nice confirmation picture of your son. All the kids look very cute! Have a nice Saturday!
Great photos and very fitting for today's theme :))
Have a wonderful Saturday!
That does look like a great old building ... not to mention some adorable kids :)
Wonderful pictures. Both so different, but each very appropriate for the theme.
What a lovely family. :-)
That old building is gorgeous in its' simplicity. Wonderful.
Thanks for stoppoing by and have a great weekend.
Great pictures. He looks so happy in his Confirmation picture, truly touched by the Holy Spirit. Thanks for stopping by.
Both of these work with the theme for different reasons. Very good choices.
My photo is up too.
Great photos and good choices for this week's theme!
Mine's up too!
Happy weekend!
Perfect photos!
Lovely confirmation photograph, and I love the window picture too. It reminds me of 'Day of the triffids' hehe
I love both of the pictures. They are perfect for this weeks hunt. Spiritual growth and plant growth. Hopefully they both continue to grow and grow.
Great photos. They look very happy and proud!
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