Since he and I have birthdays very close together we will have a shared cake--Harvey Wallbanger or German Chocolate--in a couple of days when his daddy returns from a business trip. This weekend he gets to visit grandma for a few days and go birthday shopping, a nice little tradition that the two of them have developed.
I'm not sure yet what he's getting for his birthday. We've talked about a new bike when spring arrives. Those legs just keep growing!
Now I'm drooling. I LOVE Galliano and I absolutely love Harvey Wallbangers. Galiano is good over vanilla ice cream too.
Happy Birthdays! I am forever in your debt for the cake recipe. Thank you :-)
Tell him Happy Birthday from the Hoffmans!
It is a big favorite around here. We've come to a decision on the cake. I'm making Harvey for the family and a German Chocaolate to take to our sauerkraut supper at church. :)
Happy Birthday from the Ekins!
Happy Birthday from the Rheins! It sounds like a fun day.
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