Today's photo hunt topic is technology. I like technology as much as the next internet and cell phone addicted person, but I don't take many pictures that have anything to do with it.
There is, however, a piece of technology that has saved my life on many trips away from home. Here it is at the scrapbooking retreat I attended last November:
A coffee maker is it? I'm not a coffee drinker, but hubby is....so he'd appreciate this gesture of technology.
Mine's posted.
Won't you come join me if you can find time?
Happy weekend.
I rarely drink coffee anymore, BUT when I want a cup...I do love it from Mr. Coffee!!! great photo! My photo is up, please visit me!
Ohhhhh...that is a great idea.
I bet you could make a good cup of tea with that too!
Mines Up!
Hah! I almost took a picture of my coffee pot, too. Can't live without it ;)
Thanks for visiting my PH this weekend!
Plato once said that the greatest invention of all time was the coffe maker, though he used the latin word for coffee. Caeffous.
P.S. I swear I am not making this up.
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