I had looked forward to a three day at-home "retreat" this week because Colin & the kids were supposed to be skiing, but the trip fell through, and I lost my shot at solitude. (Actually, I had invited my friend Lori over for one of the days. Total solitude isn't my thing.)
I'm also having a severe beach craving. My brother and his wife and girls were with my mom and wickedly wonderful stepdad in Florida last week, which only increased my always present desire to run away to the beach. Fortunately, the countdown has begun. In 55 days we leave for a spring break trip to Sarasota. Bethany was supposed to go to Germany for break, but the trip was cancelled. I thought that a trip to Florida might help ease the pain. I know that looking forward to it will make the trip through January and February much more pleasant for me!

My in-laws have a house at Hilton Head SC, and the invitation is always open. However, with the animals, somebody has to stay home. I did the 14 hour drive a few years ago by myself with kids and it was a serious challenge. Not sure if i"m up for it again with a 3 yo this time.
I drove to FL alone with the kids when Andrew was just turning five and that was enough of a challenge! Hilton Head is a pretty nice incentive for the drive, though.
Ahhhhh.....just the thought of Sarasota with the bleak, bare, dampness of winter wearing on me. Where in Sarasota do you stay? We have a time share (2 weeks in October) there---Sarasota Sands. Have not made it for several years--we've been renting it out and we miss it so much. Maybe this will be our year.
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