Sunday, November 30, 2008

Advent already?!

Wow. It seems like it was just summer.

But somehow today was the beginning of Advent. How did that happen? Time has flown over the past few months, even more quickly than usual. And yes, this is something I tend to complain about, so I will try to keep Pastor's admonition in mind.

This week is going to be one of the fast ones.

I have tens of dozens of cookies to bake for the Bach Collegium's Messiah Singalong. This is a really fun event, and a great chance to sing Handel's Messiah with a big group of people. Plus, there will be really yummy cookies afterward! (I promise!)

We have dentist appointments and a number of errands and tasks that need to be completed.

So about Wednesday, when I am moving frantically through the week, I'll try to remember to be thankful that time is going fast.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

You wrote:
Advent already?!
Wow. It seems like it was just summer.
It's funny that you say this, Jane, because as I was sitting in church on Sunday, I thought of how quickly advent had come too. I was remembering, like it was yesterday, teaching VBS and watching the kids get sprayed by the fire truck. Now we're shivering!