But this year we ventured to Wisconsin which is, as you know, on the other side of Chicago. We went for a wedding, and what a wedding it was! I always love a really good Lutheran wedding!
On Friday we went to the Milwaukee Zoo, which has been a favorite since we lived up there over 15 years ago. We enjoyed it, but it also made us appreciate how really wonderful our Fort Wayne Zoo is.
We decided to drive home on Saturday night to avoid traffic and be home for church, although we would have gladly visited our former congregation in Wisconsin if it hadn't been for that traffic thing. I'm glad we did, because we had incredibly clear roads. I've never seen them that empty.
Sunday we saw the third installment of Pirates. I've heard some say that they didn't enjoy this one, but maybe I just have lower expectations. I thought it was fun. We ate popcorn and laughed for almost three hours.
Monday I went with my mom to the cemetery to put flowers on some graves. There is a tradition in some areas around here to not only decorate military graves, but also those of other loved ones. Having lost both of her parents in the last eight months, this was a significant outing for my mom. The cemetery was just beautiful, with flower arrangements on a large portion of the graves. Afterward we drove around in the country and talked about people and places she remembers.
When we came home the guys were working in the yard. We had some weeds to pull:
They also planted eight little trees. It will be a long time before they amount to much, but they're planted.
I want to get some garden pictures posted later today.
Glad you had such an enjoyable time! I have weeds teasing me in my garden too, but it is too hot to spend lots of time out there now.
I really want to go to the theater and see the third pirate movie also. I just watched the 2nd one on DVD this past week and I loved it. Enjoying the popcorn at the movies is such a treat, but I will have to wait until my tooth is healed.
We also attended a Lutheran wedding this past weekend - my husband officiated. What a joy to see a Christian marriage begin in the church.
I'll be heading WI way in June for the CCA Symposium and will also make plans to avoid the Dread Pirate Chicago : )
For weed control in the garden I have put thick layers of newspaper (held down by bricks) between the rows. I'm hopin' it works!
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