Tuesday, December 04, 2007


We have had continuing good news about Abby. She is doing really well and is no longer in ICU. I am not the kind to throw words like "miracle" around loosely, but when I look at where we were on Friday and where we are now, my heart overflows with thanks to God!

(And I've heard enough medical people and those with experience with things like this using words like "incredible" and "amazing" the past few days to tell me I'm right.)

She's still got some recovery to go, but things look SO much better than anyone expected at this point. She was so excited about seeing her little sister and her big sister last night!


Barbara Frank said...

Finally had a chance to blog-hop and saw the posts about your niece. So glad to hear she is doing better. How scary, though! Good thing she had people praying for her.

houseofeling said...

oh wow, so glad things are looking up for her. I will be praying for her here....

Marie N. said...

Thanks be to God!

Laura said...

It brings tears to my eyes to actually see her. I am so glad to hear things are continuing to go well for her.